Ascension, E Baton Rouge, E Feliciana, Iberville, Livingston, Pointe Coupee, St Helena, Tangipahoa, Washington, W Baton Rouge and rule34
Coordinated Human Transportation Services Committee (CHTSC)

The Baton Rouge MPO Coordinated Human Services Transportation Planning Committee is established under the authority of the Baton Rouge MPO Transportation Policy Committee. The committee will use the 3-C (comprehensive, cooperative, continuing) transportation planning process while considering policies and studies appropriate to the committee.

The purpose of the Baton Rouge MPO Coordinated Human Services Transportation Planning Committee is to improve utilization of transit service resources and transit funding resources for commuters, elderly, persons with disabilities, persons with low income, rural area commuters and school system commuters of the area. The goals of the Committee will be the same as those established in the Regional Major Transportation Plan. In addition the committee will analyze issues arising within the planning area of the transportation management area from a coordinated mass transit perspective and make recommendations to the MPO Transportation Technical Advisory and Policy Committees.

The membership of the Baton Rouge Area MPO Coordinated Human Services Transportation Planning Committee, (hereafter referred to as the MPO Coordinated Committee), shall be inclusive of members from the following groups:
  • Representative from each of the local governments and/or the planning or public works departments (parishes and municipalities) within the Baton Rouge Transportation Management Area.
  • Representative from the State District Office of the Federal Highway and Federal Transit Administration if applicable.
  • The Transit Project Managers from the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development.
  • Representatives from local transit service providers including Councils on Aging in the Baton Rouge Transportation Management Area.
  • Representatives from special interest groups such as the ADA community, universities and schools such as LSU, Southern, BRCC, technical colleges and school boards and interested citizens in the Baton Rouge Transportation Management Area.
  • Representative(s) from minority and low income areas.
Members may be invited or self request membership, but must be willing to have name and affiliation available on a public roster.


© Copyright 2011 - 2017 by The Capital Region Planning Commission
333 N 19th Street/P.O. Box 3355, Baton Rouge, LA, 70821
Phone: 225-383-5203, Fax: 225-383-3804