Ascension, E Baton Rouge, E Feliciana, Iberville, Livingston, Pointe Coupee, St Helena, Tangipahoa, Washington, W Baton Rouge and rule34
Calendar Notes

About Calender: The default is the monthly view. The tabs at the top of the calendar can be used to switch to weekly view, print the calendar or display list of all the upcoming meetings.

Upcoming Meetings: Click on the agenda tab on the above calendar to glance at all the upcoming meetings. The meeting details can be viewed by clicking on the meeting name.

ADA Notice: CRPC meetings are conducted in accessible locations and provision can be made for those persons of limited English proficiency. For special accommodations for any MPO meeting, please contact Title VI/ADA/LEP Coordinator via phone 225-383-5203 at least one week in advance.

Meeting Documents
© Copyright 2011 - 2017 by The Capital Region Planning Commission
333 N 19th Street/P.O. Box 3355, Baton Rouge, LA, 70821
Phone: 225-383-5203, Fax: 225-383-3804