E Baton Rouge,
E Feliciana,
Pointe Coupee,
St Helena,
W Baton Rouge and
CRPC encourages active participation by the public and other interested parties in the development of all transportation plans
and programs, particularly the major products. CRPC believes that the distribution of information regarding regional
transportation planning and decision making needs to be inclusive of as many in the public as can reasonably be reached, and that interested parties and other federal, state, and local agencies are given a fair opportunity to participate in the planning
It is the policy of CRPC to take all public and stakeholder comments into account in the development and adoption of plans and
programs. The processes outlined in this document form the basis for providing the opportunity for the general public and key
stakeholders to participate in the transportation planning process. This Public Participation Plan (PPP) has been developed to
meet federal requirements outlined by SAFETEA-LU, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Environmental Justice, and the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.
Public Participation Planning Goals
The goals of the CRPC Public Participation Plan are as follows:
To develop informational materials that supports a cooperative planning process and explains CRPC plans and
activities in a concise and straightforward manner
To explain how transportation plans are affected by federal clean air mandates.
To increase awareness of and interest in transportation plans and the transportation planning process using
innovative approaches. Notification in the official journal will occur at least 30 days prior to adoption or amendment
actions by the Transportation Policy Committee to allow for public comment. CRPC will give timely public notice; provide
complete information, reasonable public access to key decisions, and support early and continuing involvement of the
public in the development of plans and TIPs. There will be opportunities for interested parties including citizens,
affected public agencies, representatives of transportation agency employees, users of the systems and the private
providers of transportation to be included in the early stages of the plan development/update process. The Capital Region Planning Commission, as the Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Baton Rouge urbanized area will include a
statement in all public notices for Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) as follows:
"This public notice of public participation activities and the thirty day time period established for public review and
comment on the TIP will satisfy the program-of-projects (POP) requirements of Urbanized Area Formula Program."
The announcement will inform the public of the amount of funds available under section 5307 and the capital,
operation and planning projects proposed to be undertaken. Further, the public announcement that summarized the POP will
indicate where citizens can examine the proposed program and budget in detail and submit comments on the proposed
program. In addition, the final program-of-projects will be made available to the public through publication in the
official journal and distribution to public libraries and the CRPC office.
To provide frequent opportunities for interested parties from the private business community, public officials,
neighborhood organizations, the physically challenged and other groups impacted by transportation plans to participate in the development of CRPC transportation plans and to encourage public participation in transportation planning activities
at every level.